Saturday, July 30, 2016

5 things never to tell your girlfriend during an argument

Posted By: Victor Morgan - 12:39 AM


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Relationships are often beautiful and peaceful but every now and then, an argument or two will crop up. This is usually a perfect tests for couples to see if they are stronger than the argument or the argument will defeat them.

Men, sometimes you can be paired with an all out drama queen who will argue with you anytime and anywhere or you may be paired with the quiet bunny who only bring it up when you two are alone and you cannot escape.

With either type of girlfriend, they have a common denominator. Here are five things you should never say to your girlfriend during an argument:

1. Calm down/relax/take it easy now

If you like your life, never say these words to her. The truth may be that is she is not calm or relaxed but she already knows this and you will not get any boyfriend points for mentioning it to her. By telling her to relax, you are telling her she is out of control instead of showing her you are listening to what she is saying.

2. Are you mad/crazy/out of your senses?
argument 4

Your girlfriend might be shouting at you and saying harsh words but you should not do the same. Two wrongs do not make a right. If you see she is riled up, then wait until she is calm before you express that what she said earlier hurt your feelings. Do not shout back or challenge her verbally because neither of you will be communicating, you will only be fueling the argument.

3. So…are we going to have make-up sex after?

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Unless you and your girlfriend know each other well and this is a routine with you, please do not ask it during a fight. Fighting is not a pre-requisite to sex. While make-up sex can be exciting, if your girl was genuinely angry with you, asking this question will dig you deeper into a sexless hole. If you like yourself and like having sex with her, listen to all she has to say.

4. Saying nothing at all

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While some men feel this is the best strategy and it will further avoid problems, it can infuriate your girlfriend. It may seem like she is just shouting for shouting sake but the truth is, she is communicating a lot of things to you and wants you to listen. She is most likely screaming because she kept it in for too long or she is tired of saying it calmly. Yes, screaming is a wrong approach to communicating her problems but you staring at her while she is expecting answers is a wrong response. They say silence is the best answer for a fool and unless your aim is to make your girlfriend feel foolish, open your mouth and communicate.

5. Oya, sorry now
This is similar to shut up at this point. You may think apologizing before she finishes giving you your life story is the best way to calm her down or end her raking but it is not. Let an arguing woman finish what she is saying. You can say sorry as a response or say sorry when she takes a pause but please do not interrupt her with the sorry or say it with the aim of making her shut up. Sometimes you may have the right words but the wrong delivery so study her and know when best to apologize.


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